Science Fiction RPG

Getting Help: A Classic Traveller Alternate Rule

I use several alternate rules when running classic Traveller. I have implemented these alternate rules to enhance the experience for my players who may have familiarity with more recent versions of the game. These newer versions have characters with a wider range of skills, which can make them appear more powerful at first glance. These […]

Water Worlds

In many science fiction based RPG, the concept of a water world is used. However, many of these have yet to be adjusted for the large range of water worlds that could be present within the universe.  Hereafter, I’ve provided six alternatives Water World Roll 1d6 Swamp world – all land areas are swampy. There […]

Equus Patrons

This is the patron list for Equus.  They represent a spectrum of sophants available on Equus.  Most are human, but there are a few Vargar and and Aslan.  Notably there are uplifted dolphins active on Equus.   Roll a d6 to determine Row position. Roll another d6 to determine the Column position. Cross index and […]

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